Four out of five Indian users admitted to sharing their OTT log-in credentials with friends or family
Live sports remains a key advantage for Hotstar
Which original show got Indians talking the most?
Binge-watching is the new weekend plan, originals are the new movie date, and Netflix and chill is the new escape from a regular day. The increasing drift towards the consumption of content from over-the-top or OTT video streaming platforms such as Hotstar, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and other popular names by the youth of the country is plainly visible in India.Netflix and Amazon Prime Video turn out to be the most borrowed OTT Platforms.Younger age groups that do not have the disposable income to buy premium plans which could be one of the reasons for the low preference of Gen-Z towards sports content.YouTube, one of the top video-streaming platforms in India, derives 85% of its viewership through mobile phones. But when it comes to OTT platforms, the share of audience preferring mobile phones sharply declines to 50%.On Vidooly’s survey, Netflix told Inc42 that 70% of its subscribers watch at least one film a week in India and that as a percentage of overall time spent on Netflix, film viewing in India is the highest for any country worldwide. Netflix further told us that Mighty Little Bheem is the most-watched preschool series on Netflix globally and the second-most-watched kids’ series for the platform worldwide.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in its report titled “Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2019-2023” predicted India’s video streaming industry to be valued at INR 11.97K Cr by 2023. While the numbers show that the Indian OTT industry is still at its nascent growth stage, the entry of more than 30 streaming platforms in a span of barely three years speaks volumes about the massive potential this industry has. The rapid growth has not only provided a wide berth for content creators and owners but also advertisers and brands in the digital consumer market.